
FileExplorerisanotheroptionthatallowsyoutotransferphotosfromiPhonetoPCwithoutiTunesoranyothersoftware.AslongasyouriOS ...,OneoftheeasiestprocessesoftransferringphotosfromyouriPhonetoyourPCisusingsoftwarelikeMobiletrans.MobileTrans-TransferbetweenPhone& ...,7天前·YoucanbackupyourdeviceusingiCloudandalsousingyourcomputer.Learnhowtobackupyourdeviceorrestoreyourdevicefromabackup.,WiththePhotos...

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to PC Without iTunes

File Explorer is another option that allows you to transfer photos from iPhone to PC without iTunes or any other software. As long as your iOS ...

[5 Ways] Transfer Photos From iPhone To PC Without iTunes in 2025

One of the easiest processes of transferring photos from your iPhone to your PC is using software like Mobiletrans. MobileTrans - Transfer between Phone & ...

Backup methods for iPhone or iPad

7 天前 · You can back up your device using iCloud and also using your computer. Learn how to back up your device or restore your device from a backup.

Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac or ...

With the Photos app and a USB cable, you can transfer photos and videos to your computer. You can also make your photos available on all your devices with ...

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to PC without iTunes

Transfer photos from iPhone to your PC without iTunes - Win 11/10/8 Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your Windows PC via a USB cable. ... Step 2: Unlock the iPhone and make it trust your PC. ... Step 3: Open the Photos app on your PC. ...

Say Cheese! 10 ways to transfer photos from iPhone to PC

Simply connect your iPhone to your Windows computer using a USB cable, then open the program and select the photos you want to import. How do I transfer photos from... · How to transfer pictures from...

How do you manage to transfer photos and video from iPhone to ...

On your iPhone go to Settings, go to Photos, and at the very bottom (at the “transfer to Mac or PC section) uncheck the Automatic option and ...

5 Methods Backup Photos from iPhone to PC Without iTunes

Here we share with you 5 easy methods to back up photos from iPhone to PC without iTunes. Using Syncios Mobile Manager to back up photos is free. Method 1: Selectively Back up... · Method 2: Back up Photos...

Copy Your iPhone Photos & Videos IN SECONDS (Without iCloud ...

Easily backup/copy, store, and transfer all your iPhone Files without iCloud or iTunes by using this simple method with a USB Drive, ...